Algorithms in Context
Online Talk with Katja Novitskova
Algorithms in Context invites you to an online talk with artist Katja Novitskova. Evolved from an interest in post-internet art practices, technology and the biological evolution within the Anthropocene, her work tackles the complexity and eventual failures of depicting the world through technologically driven narratives. By uniting art and science to the level of nature, Novitskova brings awareness to the mediation and representation tools used to depict these realms. Through sculptures and installations, Novitskova focuses on the mapping of biological territories that are no longer outside but rather ‘inside’ biological bodies. The technological devices, such as microscopes or brain scans, used to mediate and depict those alternative geographies are able to merge datasets and biology, altering how biology and technology develop. In Novitskova’s mind, ‘the look inside has somehow replaced the gaze into the future.’
About AIC
AIC (Algorithms in Context) is an association of artists, researchers, and students at the University of Art and Design Offenbach am Main. AIC is a platform that aims to foster critical debate and knowledge sharing on the topic of algorithms: from their potential for creative production to their impact on society, arts, culture, economy, environment, politics, and all of our daily lives. With an ongoing series of talks, we invite thinkers and creatives to explore the limits of technological advancements, discuss ethical and socio-political challenges and provide insights into their creative practice. As part of the AIC project, we will also offer classes and provide students with extensive resources like specialist literature, organize Workshops and establish a lab for AI and Robotics at the HfG.
30. November 2021, 19 Uhr
via Zoom
To register for the talk, please send an email to: algorithms.in.context@gmail.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/aic.hfg
Facebook Event: www.facebook.com/events