31 January 2023

Algorithms in Context: The Hair In The Cable. Online Talk with Mimi Ọnụọha

06:00 PM, Online
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AIC invites you to our next online talk with Mimi Onuoha! Mimi Onuoha is a Nigerian-American artist creating work about a world made to fit the form of data. By foregrounding absence and removal, her multimedia practice uses print, code, installation and video to make sense of the power dynamics that result in disenfranchised communities' different relationships to systems that are digital, cultural, historical, and ecological. She works across different fields and disciplines to create projects that use technology in concrete ways to highlight different ways of considering the world that always bring more power to those who lack it. Onuoha has been in residence at Studio XX (Canada), Data & Society Research Institute (USA), the Royal College of Art (UK), Eyebeam Center for Arts & Technology (USA), and Arthouse Foundation (Nigeria, upcoming). She has spoken and exhibited internationally at venues like La Gaitê Lyrique (France), FIBER Festival (Netherlands), Mao Jihong Arts Foundation (China), and Le Centre Pompidou (France). Onuoha lives and works in Brooklyn – Join us as she shares her work and experiences.

About Algorithms in Context

As a network of artists, researchers and students, AiC aims to foster critical debate and knowledge sharing on the topic of Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence systems in particular: From their potential for creative production to their impact on society, arts, culture, economy, environment, politics, and all of our daily lives. Through workshops and a series of online talks, thinkers and creatives are invited to explore the limits of technological advancements, discuss ethical and socio-political challenges and provide insights into their creative practice with AI systems. Over the course of this year, AIC will offer classes, provide students with extensive resources and establish a lab for AI and Robotics at the HfG. 

31. Januar 2023, 18 Uhr

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