Illustrationsworkshop with Jill Senft

Jill Senft is an up-and-coming illustrator and an established figure in the editorial field. Don't miss this chance to get a great introduction to the topic and a productive exit from the semester together in two days.
Here is the list for registration. Those who register are obliged to come, as there are only 12 places in total.
Workshop and lecture - Really good jokes
Experimental extension of two-dimensional illustration in space. In the workshop we want to separate the medium of illustration from the classical context in order to create an exchange in walk-in, real space. In concrete terms, this means two days on the subject of humour, during which various materials will be experimented with in terms of form, composition, proportion, colour, light and shadow. For this we look at different artistic positions.
18 + 19 July 2019, 10am–6pm
Geleitstraße, 2 floor (Eike König)