Rock 'n' roll at the casino

Photo: Clemens Mitscher
The casino in Bad Homburg invites you to the 5th Bad Homburg Summer Terrace and to the vernissage of the photography exhibition of students and alumni of the HfG Offenbach and their lecturer Clemens Mitscher, teacher for special tasks in the field of photography.
In the meantime it has become a tradition to ring in the summer with the terrace opening of the casino restaurant "Le Blanc". Lord Mayor Alexander W. Hetjes, Prof. Bernd Kracke, President of the Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach, will welcome the guests and open this year's exhibition with extraordinary Rock 'n' Roll photographs.
Clemens Mitscher and his students have captured international rock legends with their extraordinary snapshots. The Berlin critic, curator and artist Andreas Schlaegel will introduce the exhibition at the vernissage.
With works by Clemens Mitscher, HfG students Martin Kreitl, Dennis Haustein and Laura Brichta as well as alumni Florian Albrecht-Schoeck, Urs Daun, Miguel Graetzer and Malte Sänger.
5 May 2019, 11:30 am
Kisseleffstraße 35
61348 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe