Text/music/colour and moving image

Text/music/colour and moving image
With Karø Goldt
Karø Goldt's videos are based on photographic works. The digital shots are reworked, the analogue films are experimentally developed, scanned and also digitally processed. The individual images are then assembled into films. The disturbingly beautiful visual compositions are formally minimalist and sensually intense.
Karø Goldt's (de-) constructive processes have broken down the individual image dispositives and brought parts of them into a new order. Thus, of course, her pictures and films remain inscribed in the horizon of the intertextuality of the picture - but she positions them, so to speak, at the edges and fraying of this horizon. This "peripheral location", however, confirms the autonomy of her [...] concept of the picture, which never seems to be complete, but from which she repeatedly presents stages of a development - not for lack of precision, quite the opposite, but because the artist returns, so to speak, from each completed pictorial form to the starting point again, in order to tackle the process of picture construction and picture finding anew. This constant reorganisation and reshaping is an essential part of the pictorial universe that Karø Goldt presents: a space for reflection on possible forms of contemporary images.
(Reinhard Braun)
In Goldt´s artist's book "Inter View", information from the bibliography of the book "The Turning Point: Science, Society, and the Rising Culture" by Fritjof Capra from 1982 has been assigned to the individual photographs in alphabetical order of the book titles from A to O. The photographs are listed in the book "The Turning Point: Science, Society, and the Rising Culture" by Fritjof Capra from 1982. This information serves as the title of the works and at the same time functions as a system for their order. Thomas Macho writes in his text in this photo volume: "...one needs the strongest telescope, that of the polished utopian consciousness, in order to penetrate precisely the closest proximity. Karø Goldt has constructed such a telescope in the darkness of the lived - and read - moment. It is worthwhile to cast repeated glances through this mysterious telescope of closeness."
Karø Goldt, *1967 in Günzburg, lives and works in Berlin and Vienna. She studied religious studies with Prof. Dr. Klaus Heinrich at the FU Berlin and with Friedl Kubelka / vom Gröller at the Schule für künstlerische Photographie Wien.
Karø Goldt has been working with experimental cinema since 2001 and artistic photography since 1996. She has received various scholarships and awards. Karø Goldt has been teaching at various schools and colleges since 2002. Her works have been shown in numerous exhibitions and festivals worldwide.
An event of the disciplines Electronic Media and Media Theory.
Videoscreening, book presentation and talk
18 June 2019, 7 pm
Isenburger Schloss, rechte Kapelle
19 June 2019, 10:30am–1pm
Raum d101