Prof. Anne-Marie Beckmann
Photography and Curatorial Practice
Honorary Professor of Photography and Curatorial Practice

Anne-Marie Beckmann is a german-french art historian and curator. She is the director of the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation. Since 1999 she has been curating the Art Collection Deutsche Börse, an international collection of contemporary photography and developing the company's cultural program. Furthermore, she has been curating photography exhibitions at the headquarters of Deutsche Börse and in several art institutions, such as “Women War Photographers. From Lee Miller to Anja Niedringhaus”, “Open for Business. Magnum photographers on commission”, or “Ernest Cole. House of Bondages”. As one of the curators she is involved in the RAY photography triennal in Frankfurt/Main since 2012. Anne-Marie published several photography catalogues, amongst them six on the Art Collection Deutsche Börse. Since 2015 she has been teaching photography and curatorial practice in the Art School of the University of Art and Design in Offenbach/Main, since October 2023 she is an Honorary Professor there.