I like your problems

Berlin-based artist Eike König, Professor for Graphic Design and Illustration at HfG Offenbach, brings unconscious action to the conscious mind. By representing a system of thoughts with strong principles of humanism – details of life and characters which speak to everyone – König presents a storyline to be perceived and to be thought about.
The exhibition »I like your problems« deals with the artist’s own experiences, essential matters and objects of introspection (a mood, a state of mind and/or a sudden desire) expressed in particular words as a visually striking language and as a conceptual unit. These are presented to us (as an audience) through various forms of artefacts and manufactured items; a rhythmic succession of messages, arranged typefaces, sprayed words and letterpress prints. Eike König emphasizes that the fundamental meaning is to be found in words by creating strong images, grasps of instants and attitudes, of truths, faiths and confidences – as a form of reasoning and a romantic idea of revealing a story within a composition. »The general truth« is stated clearly in König’s artworks with awareness and tolerance – as a way to reflect particular situations and self important manners about the complex expression of love, attraction and relationship.
The orderly arrangement of Eike König’s artworks, the way in which they are structured, connected as a sequence and rightly placed in Âme Nue’s two floors – as single members still fundamental constituents of a set – is highly relevant. The exhibition becomes a visual architecture of related things behaving towards each other, as part of a larger and more complex whole conceived to produce mental representations and to comprehend the depiction of thoughts fully.
7 September 2017, 7 pm
Opening hours
Wed–Sat 2–6 pm
Âme Nue
Schaarsteinwegsbrücke 2
20459 Hamburg