Jereon Peeters: And then it got legs: Dramaturgies of (not) writing

Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung der Hessischen Theaterakademie (HTA)
How do you set up conditions for the work to come about? How do you create a shared ground for exploring the unfamiliar in pursuit of making sense? These questions are at the heart of And then it got legs: Notes on dance dramaturgy (2022), in which Jeroen Peeters discusses dramaturgy as an experimental, collaborative practice and a material form of thinking. What if we were to apply these ideas to the practice of writing? Peeters will discuss his writerly poetics as it came about in dialogue with dance and performance – including writing along, documenting the languages of making, and exploring the arts of not writing.
Jeroen Peeters is an essayist, dramaturg and performer based in Brussels. He has published widely on contemporary dance and performance and writes about matters such as ecologies of attention, material literacy, readership, commoning and sustainable development. Books include Are we here yet? (2010) on the work of choreographer Meg Stuart; Through the Back: Situating Vision between Moving Bodies (2014), on spectatorship in contemporary dance; the essays Reseeding the library, gleaning readership (2018) and Bookmarks of sorts (2021); and And then it got legs: Notes on dance dramaturgy (2022). Together with Mette Edvardsen he runs the publishing house Varamo Press. Peeters is a research fellow at Hasselt University, Faculty of Architecture and Arts, and PXL-MAD School of Arts.
22. Juni 2023, 18:30 Uhr
Studio MA CoDE
Eschersheimer Landstrasse 50-54