Workshop POT ‘N ROPE

Workshop von Uriel Caspi, Stipendiat HPM Residency 2.0
In diesem zweistündigen Workshop demonstriert Uriel die einzigartige traditionelle Technik des Hand-Buildings mit Verwendung eines Seils und Ton.
Teilnahme ohne Vorkenntnisse. Materialien werden gestellt. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei.
»Join me on a journey along the Mediterranean shores to explore an ancient and unique hand-building technique using sisal rope and clay. We will learn an alternative method of modeling and forming large scale pottery and sculpture, revive a traditional craft and exploit digital fabrication.
This demonstration will cover an ancient hand-building technique as an alternative way to form large scale ceramic object by using sisal ropes and clay. ‘Jarre a la corde’, roughly translated as “pot on rope” is traditional pottery technique originating from the Mediterranean. The process begins with a wooden skeleton, shaped to a desired form. Sisal rope is winded around the skeleton as a separating layer between the wood structure and the clay. Then soft clay is layered on the rope. Once the clay is in the stage of ‘leather-hard’, the skeleton is taken apart and the rope as well. The process of emptying the viscera alludes to human birth. Thanks to the interior skeleton, the technique enables the potter to build large forms in a short time and the method is considered semi-industrial. Over the years, this special technique almost vanished, due to extensive industrialization in Europe. Today, only few potteries in the south of France and Pays Basque still practice those technique and preserve this ancient craft.
For over six years, I’m compulsively researching and preserving this ancient craft, and developed it as a major sculpting technique. I found out that this modeling technique enable me to form and duplicate large clay sculpture, using modular wood or light collapsible Styrofoam structures and could possibly replace the use of the traditional heavy plaster molds. By using this technique, I can form the exterior of the sculpture and interior features at the very same time, and enjoy the unique and iconic texture of the sisal rope, which now characterized my artworks.
In this workshop, I’ll demonstrate the technique, from the planning step to the building process (cooking show style), explain about the tools, materials and clay, cover its vast history and contemporary use, discuss digital fabrication possibilities and share my artworks.«
6. März 2025, 16–18 Uhr
Anmeldung und Info
Nadya Bascha,, T. 069-80059-351
Forum der HPM
Höchster Porzellan-Manufaktur, Palleskestraße 32, 65929 Frankfurt am Main