Prof. Dr. Tom Bieling

T 069.800 59 211

Main building, room 311 a + b


by arrangement


Design Theory






Chairman of the doctoral committee


BIRD Board of International Research in Design

Please contact by mail. The above telephone number does not exist.

Tombieling by kaihattermann

Photo: Kai Hatterman


Tom Bieling is a design researcher. His main interest is the social and political dimensions of design and the question of what things do to us. At the Centre for Design Research at HAW Hamburg (2019-2022) he represented the professorship for design theory and research, at HAWK Hildesheim he teaches design science (since 2021), previously guest professorships at the University of Trento and GUC Cairo, as well as various teaching positions for design theory and research. At the Design Research Lab of the Berlin University of the Arts (2010-2019), he led the research cluster Social Design, among others. Previously research assistant at the T-Labs / TU Berlin (2007-2010). He is co-editor of the book series Design Meanings (Mimesis), as well as the BIRD series (Birkhäuser/DeGruyter), part of the Board of International Research in Design, and initiator of (since 2008). He is co-founder of the Design Research Network and the initiative Design promoviert, as well as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute Mensch, Ethik und Wissenschaft. He was named Young Innovator of the Year by the Falling Walls consortium. His award-winning work is exhibited worldwide. Books (selection): "Inclusion as Design - Participatory Research on, for and through Design" ( 2019), "Design (&) Activism" (2019) and "Gender (&) Design" (2020). He has been Professor of Design Theory at the HfG since the winter semester of 2022.

Projects (selection)

Tombieling theoryofdesign 2021 cover 1

Theory of Design

Berlin International, 2021
Leitung: Tom Bieling

Tombieling semiotikdesungewissen

Semiotik des Ungewissen

HAW, 2022, Direction: Tom Bieling

Tombieling objectsofconspiracy

Objects of Conspiracy / Design der Verschwörung

HAW, 2022, Direction: Tom Bieling

Tombieling designkritik kritikdesign

Kritik der Gestaltung – Gestaltung der Kritik

HAW, 2021, Direction: Tom Bieling

Tombieling designwissenschaft

Was ist Designwissenschaft

HAWK, 2021, Direction: Tom Bieling

Tombieling widerstaendigedinge cover web

Widerständige Dinge (Resistant Things)

HfG, 2024, Leitung: Tom Bieling

Tombieling designdenken cover web

Design Denken

HfG, 2024, Leitung: Tom Bieling

Tombieling ignorantdesign cover web

Ignorant Design

HfG, 2024, Leitung: Tom Bieling

Tombieling angewandtefantasie web

Theories and practices of applied fantasy

HfG, 2023, Leitung: Tom Bieling

Tombieling lautedinge 2024

Loud Things

​Design der Sprache – Sprache des Designs. HfG 2024/25. Kollabo: "Design und Sprache", Leitung: Prof. Peter Eckart & Prof. Dr. Tom Bieling 

Tombieling theoriendesdesings web

Theorien des Designs

HfG, 2023, Leitung: Tom Bieling

Designofunrest still tb 01

Design of Unrest: Right-wing Metapolitics – Paralogy – Knowledge Spaces – Chaos

Text, Performance: Tom Bieling, Frieder Bohaumilitzky, Anke Haarmann, Torben Körschkes. Edition / Sound / Conception: Stephan Kraus; Camera / Conception: Tamara Hildebrand; Support / Subtitles: Alice Lagaay. German original version with english subtitles, 40 min.

Bieling yorganci oldcity newfutures 01 new

Old City, New Future …

Treatise on the functionality of the ghostly
2021 - ongoing 

Tom Bieling, Emine Yorganci

Zoe bieling

Old City, New Future …

Abhandlung über die Funktionalität des Geisterhaften. Tom Bieling, Emine Yorganci. 2021 – ongoing.

Tombieling forschenimdesign cover web

Forschen im Design (Research in Design)

HfG, 2023, Leitung: Tom Bieling

Designundsprache eckart bieling

Design und Sprache

HfG 2024/25. Supervision: Prof. Peter Eckart & Prof. Dr. Tom Bieling 


Tombieling design meanings design and activism bieling
Tombieling design meanings gender and design bieling
Bird designanddemocracy
Biennale cover
Bird integrativedesign
Tombieling genderpuppets
Protocol nr 8 boden 2016
Spectorbooks designforall
Tombieling books selection
Specology dinggefuege
Bird doerrenbaecher distanz
Interactions vol29 issue02
Journal enablingtechnologies
U zine future
U zine health
Nerd3 positionsandperspectives bieling christensen conradi
Specspace performancephilosophy

Symposia (Auswahl)

Plakat design promoviert web

Design promoviert

29. Kolloquium "Design promoviert". Organisation: Jan Zurwellen, Paula Schuster, Simon Meienberg, Anna Dill, Carina Moser, Karlotta Klussmann, Valentin Brück, Prof. Dr. Tom Bieling. 

Nerd 6thsense newexperimentalressearchindesign by bird

NERD 6th Sense

Conference on New Experimental Research in Design, co-hosted with BIRD Board of International Research in Design and Prof. Dr. Helge Oder at TH Augsburg / Faculty of Design.

Design equity videoconference flyer web

Design Equity

Hosted by Prof. Dr. Tom Bieling & Prof. Dr. Uta Brandes

Wege zur professur poster  poster felixlennig

Wege zur Professur

Organisation: Dr. Ellen Wagner, Dr. Helena Schmedt, Riccarda Weih, Prof. Dr. Tom Bieling. Poster: Felix Lennig

Nerd take5 newexperimentalressearchindesign by bird

New Experimental Research in Design Confence co-organized with BIRD Board of International Research in Design. Hosted by Prof. Dr. Michelle Christensen & Prof. Dr. Florian Conradi at Berlin University of the Arts / Weizenbaum Institute and the Technische Universität Berlin / Einstein Center Digital Future. 


Formen der Erörterung

Online-Seminar on Design Research and Artistic Research: Anke Haarmann, Alice Lagaay, Tom Bieling, Petja Ivanova, Torben Körschkes, Frieder Bohaumilitzky, Barbro Scholz in Cooperation with the Promotionszentrum HAW Hamburg.


Spectres of time in space flyer short front

Spectres of Time in Space

Tracing Phantom Temporalities with Architectural Methodologies. Panel: Representations of the Ephemeral. Conference Lecture: Bieling & Yorganci. 

9. April 2022

Flyeraccessandtinkering new

Access and Tinkering

"Designing Assistive Technologies as Political Practice" with Aimie Hamraie, Dr. Tomás Sanchez Criado, Prof. Dr. Anne Waldschmit u.a. Hosted by Tom Bieling, Melike Şahinol, Anna-Lena Wiechern , Robert Stock.


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After School Club

Keynote Lecture "Entangled Practices", After School Club – Interdisciplinary Art+Design Festival, HfG Offenbach | Festival Orga: Elise Pixel, Fabian Arnold, Kilian Pfifferling, Masha Egorova, Mia Schreibe, Tanya Tverdokhlebova, Victor Gorelik.

Tombieling entangledpractices afterschoolclub024

Entangled Practices – Pleasures and Ambiguities of Co-Operation

Keynote Lecture, After School Club, HfG Offenbach, 5. Sept. 2024.


Barrierefrei tag 2024


Opening Lecture. Organisation: Prof. Janina Schmidt, Prof. Adrian Nießler, Prof. Johanna Siebein. Poster: Felix Lennig


Play the System

Lecture & Discussion Prof. Heike Grebin. Orga: Prof. Dr. Tom Bieling, Prof. Siebein. Poster: Siebein

Zfd rundgang 2023

Zentrum für Designforschung

Speculative Space Exhibition / Rundgang /  Hamburg (Flyer: Torben Körschkes)

Oldcitiesnewfutures yorganci 08 web

'Recognising psychic things from the expressive movements …. '

Emine Yorganci & Tom Bieling Scroope Terrace Gallery, Cambridge, 2022.