Prof. Dr. Christian Janecke

T +49 (0)69.800 59-213
F +49 (0)69.800 59-202
Main building, room 308
Tuesday 2 pm to 4 pm and by appointment
Prof. Christian Janecke (born 1964 in Wuppertal) majored in Art History with minors in Philosophy and Sociology at the universities in Frankfurt/Main, Vienna and Saarbrücken, where he completed his doctorate in 1993. Following teaching positions at Berlin’s University of the Arts (UdK, then HdK) Berlin and Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin, from 1995 until 2001, he was a research assistant at Hochschule für Bildende Künste (HfBK) Dresden – during this time and thereafter he lectured, among other places, at the Academy of Fine Arts (AdBK) in Nuremberg, at TU Dresden and at the Palucca School of Dance, Dresden. Minor teaching posts took him to the Center for Art and Media Technology (ZKM) and the HfG Karlsruhe – as well as to INTERFLUGS (UdK), Berlin and the Graz University of Applied Sciences, the Johanneum. From April 2002 to March 2005 he held the Wella Endowment Lectureship for Fashion and Aesthetics at Darmstadt Technical University. In 2004, he completed his Postdoctoral Studies at Martin Luther Universität (MLU) Halle-Wittenberg (venia legendi for Contemporary Art History and Art Theory). Following one year as a visiting professor, Christian Janecke has been Professor for Art History at HfG Offenbach since March 2006.
Focal points of his work and research include: modern and contemporary art; interrelations between art and theater/stage design; image, cultural and fashion studies in relation to art and design.

Maschen der Kunst

POMP (Hg.)
Junge Positionen von Studierenden und Absolventen der Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach im Kunstverein und Kunsthaus Viernheim, 2009

Christiane Feser. Works

Performance und Bild / Performance als Bild (Hg.)

Tragbare Stürme. Von spurtenden Haaren u. Windstoßfrisuren

Zufall und Kunst – Analyse und Bedeutung

Haar tragen. Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Annäherung

Gesichter auftragen. Argumente zum Schminken