Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler

F 069.800 59-109

Main building, room 309


by appointment


Urban Design



Theory/Design Science




Kai voeckler foto tanja schepp


Founder member of Archis Interventions. Urban development projects in South Eastern Europe. Urban research projects in Europe and Asia. Author, editor, exhibitions curator and lecturer on art and urbanism themes. PhD in Art History on urban spatial images. Professional expertise in landscape, architectural and artistic competitions and design projects, both solo and in teams of architects. Curator at various European cultural institutions. Currently Professor for Urban Design at the HfG Offenbach University of Art and Design, Germany.

Further information:



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Mobility Design

Offenbach Publication Series on Mobility Design. Volume 2: Research. Edited by Kai Vöckler, Peter Eckart, Martin Knöll and Martin Lanzendorf

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Mobility Design

Offenbach Publication Series on Mobility Design. Volume 1: Practice. Edited by Peter Eckart and Kai Vöckler

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The Offenbach Approach

Publication on the theory of product language; edited with Thilo Schwer

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Technical Schools Offenbach on the Main

Publication on the predecessor institution; edited with Christian Welzbacher

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Living the region kv

Rhein-Main – Die Region leben / Living the Region

Curator of the exhibition with Christian Holl und Felix Nowak

Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt 2018

Landschaft  die sich erinnert siegen 2018

Landschaft, die sich erinnert / Remembering Landscape

Curator of the exhibition with Eva Schmidt

Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen 2018

National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest

Of is almost alright

Official adviser to DAM – German Architecture Museum  (together with Doug Saunders) for the exhibition »Making Heimat. Germany, Arrival Country«, German Pavilion, Venice Architecture Biennale 2016

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Official adviser to DAM – German Architecture Museum  (together with Doug Saunders) for the exhibition »Making Heimat. Germany, Arrival Country«, German Pavilion, Venice Architecture Biennale 2016 (from left to right: Peter Cachola Schmal, Doug Saunders, Kai Vöckler)

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International Building Exhibition Stadt 2010 Saxony-Anhalt

IBA expert 2000-2010
Management of project team Ascherleben and development of the urban restructuring concept 2003-2004

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Glattpark - Zürich/Opfikon

International implementation competition, together with the Kiefer studio (landscape architecture; in charge) and Carola Schäfers (architecture), 1st prize, 2001. Completion 2007

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Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen - Cities of the 21st century

Research and exhibition
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, 1999–2000
Project management/curators: Dirk Luckow and Kai Vöckler.

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Teaching on the Bauhaus lecture courses, Dessau 2000 to 2001 and 2003 to 2006
Structure of the Bauhaus lecture courses

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UN Urbanism Mostar – Kabul

Bauhaus lecture course VII, 2005 to 2006.

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Establishment of Archis Interventions (with Ole Bouman) 2005 and start of project in Pristina

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Archis Interventions in Pristina
​Meeting with President Ibrahim Rugova, 2005

Photo: Menin Rugova

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Pristina Dynamic City

Archis Interventions in Pristina
The exhibition in 2013 at the Kosovo Museum was opened by Memli Krasniqi, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports

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Balkanology. New architecture and urban phenomena in South-Eastern Europe

Research on urban transformation in South-Eastern Europe
Exhibition Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum Basel, 2008; Architekturzentrum Vienna, 2009; National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, 2010

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The Good Cause. Architecture of Peace – Divided Cities

Curator of the exhibition with Lilet Breddels and Arjen Oosterman
Architekturmuseum Munich/Pinakothek der Moderne, 2014

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Editorial member of magazine since 2000
Architecture of Peace project since 2010


Innovation reserach:

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research: "TraFoDes – Transformation by Design: Shaping the sustainable city", 2025–2028. Spokesman reserach cluster; with City of Offenbach, Chamber of Commerce Offenbach, VAIR e.V.

Research projects Offenbach Institute of Mobility Design since 2018; all in cooperation with Prof. Peter Eckart:

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research: "MobilitätsWerkStadt 2025 - InterMoDe: Design of the municipal intermodal mobility system. Development of an overarching design concept for the integration of intermodal mobility into the municipal transport system," Phase III, 2024–2026. Project management; with City of Offenbach.

  • HOLM innovation funding: "VisKom - Development of visualization methods and forms of communication for communicating innovative vehicle concepts", 2023-2024. Lead management; collaborative partner Traction-X GbR.
  • German Centre for Rail Traffic Research: »Station of the Future as the Core of Multimodal Mobility Platforms in Municipalities – Development of a Catalog of Measures«, 2022-2025. Research cluster ISOE – Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung (Konsortialführer); Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie; Nuts One; Offenbach University of Art and Design – Design Institute for Mobility and Logistics (DML); Gateways.
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research: "MobilitätsWerkStadt 2025 - InterMoDe: Design of the municipal intermodal mobility system. Development of an overarching design concept for the integration of intermodal mobility into the municipal transport system," Phase II, 2021–2024. Project management; with City of Offenbach.
  • HOLM Innovation Funding: »EmotDes – User-centered design strategies and emotive factors of influence«, 2021–2022. Lead; research partner Goethe University Frankfurt (Prof. Dr. Melissa Le-Hoa Vo, Cognitive Psychology)
  • HOLM Innovation Funding: »AI Lab TRUST.Human AI systems: Interaction Design for Interiors of Autonomous Driving Systems in Public Transport«, 2021–2022. Lead; research partner Goethe University Frankfurt (Prof. Dr. Visvanathan Ramesh, Center of Cognition and Computation)
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research: "MobilitätsWerkStadt 2025 - InterMoDe: Design of the municipal intermodal mobility system. Development of an overarching design concept for the integration of intermodal mobility into the municipal transport system," Phase I, 2020–2021. Overall project management: City of Offenbach.
  • LOEWE research "Infrastructure - Design - Society. Design research in mobility systems for the development of multimodal, environmentally friendly mobility in the Rhine-Main Region", 2018–2021. Research cluster of  HfG Offenbach University of Art and Design (lead) with Frankfurt UAS, Goethe University Frankfurt and TU Darmstadt. Project website:
  • Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing (HMWEVW), research funding program "Promotion of electric mobility": project "Sustainable mobility in pilot areas of social housing", 2019–2021. Consortium leader: Nassauische Heimstätte Wohnungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH; accompanying research in cooperation with RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Bruns, Mobility Management and Transport Planning).
  • HOLM Innovation Funding: "CogDes - Cognition Design: user survey with AR and VR simulation to improve acceptance," 2019-2020. Lead; reserach partner Goethe University Frankfurt (Prof. Dr. Melissa Le-Hoa Vo, Cognitive Psychology).
  • Design study bicycle street Offenbach, 2018–2019. Client: OPG - Offenbacher Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft. Project management: Peter Eckart with Kai Vöckler (in cooperation with Goethe University Frankfurt, Prof. Dr. Martin Lanzendorf).
  • Future Station Offenbach-Marktplatz, 2018–2019. Client: Deutsche Bahn AG. Project management: Peter Eckart with Kai Vöckler.


Voeckler personenseite publikationen


  • »Offenbach ist anders. Über die kleine globale Stadt, das Fremdsein und die Kunst«, Berlin: Vice Versa 2017 (Download)
  • »Die Welt als Stadt. Ein Raumbild des 21. Jahrhunderts«, Berlin: Vice Versa 2014
  • Heidi Pretterhofer, Dieter Spath, Kai Vöckler, »LAND. Rurbanismus oder Leben im postruralen Raum«, Graz: HdA Verlag 2010 (Download)
  • »Architektur der Abwesenheit«, Berlin: Parthas 2009
  • »Prishtina is Everywhere. Turbo-Urbanismus  als Resultat einer Krise / Turbo Urbanism: the Aftermath of a Crisis«, Berlin: Parthas (german), Amsterdam: Archis (english) 2008 (Download)


  • Kai Vöckler, Peter Eckart, Martin Knöll, Martin Lanzendorf (eds.): »Mobility Design. Shaping Future Mobility«. Offenbach Publication Series on Mobility Design. Volume 2: Research. Berlin: Jovis 2023. (Download)
  • Peter Eckart, Kai Vöckler (eds.): »Mobility Design. Shaping Future Mobility«. Offenbach Publication Series on Mobility Design. Volume 1: Practice. Berlin: Jovis 2022. (Download)
  • Thilo Schwer, Kai Vöckler (eds.): »Der Offenbacher Ansatz. Zur Theorie der Produktsprache«. Bielefeld: transcript 2021 (Download)
  • Kai Vöckler, Christian Welzbacher (eds.): »Die Technischen Lehranstalten Offenbach am Main 1902–1933. Eine Annäherung«, Stuttgart: avedition 2020 (Download)
  • Eva Schmidt, Kai Vöckler (eds.) »Remembering Landscape. Landschaft die sich erinnert«, Kat. Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Köln: Snoeck 2018
  • Christian Holl, Felix Nowak, Kai Vöckler, Peter Cachola Schmal (eds..), »Rhein-Main – Die Region leben. Die Neugestaltung einer Metropolregion / Living the Region – Rhine-Main. The Redesign of a Metropolitan Region«, Tübingen/Berlin: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag 2018
  • Heiner Blum, Loimi Brautmann, Nicolas Kremershof, Oliver Kremershof, Kai Vöckler (eds.), »Offenbach überleben. Über Leben in Offenbach«, Frankfurt/Main: Henrich Editionen 2018
  • Kai Vöckler (ed.), »SEE! Urban Transformation in Southeastern  Europe«,  Wien/Münster: Lit Verlag 2013
  • Regina Bittner, Wilfried Hackenbroich, Kai Vöckler (Hg.), »UN-Urbanismus / UN Urbanism«, Berlin: Jovis 2010
  • Kai Vöckler, Andreas Denk (eds.), »In der Zukunft leben! Die Prägung der Stadt durch den Nachkriegsstädtebau«, Berlin: Nicolai 2009
  • Stefan Ghenciulescu, Constantin Goagea, Kai Vöckler (eds.), »Magic Blocks. Scenarios  for  socialist collective housing estates in Bucharest«, Bukarest: Zeppelin 2009
  • Thilo Fuchs, Petra Vondenhof, Kai Vöckler (eds.), »Ridin’ Low. Michael Mussotter - Architektur tieferlegen«, Berlin: Vice Versa 2008
  • Regina Bittner, Wilfried Hackenbroich, Kai Vöckler (eds.), »Transnationale Räume/ Transnational Spaces«, Berlin: Jovis 2007
  • Regina Bittner, Wilfried Hackenbroich, Kai Vöckler (eds.), »Transiträume / Transit Spaces«, Berlin: Jovis 2005
  • Ernst Hubeli, Harald Saiko, Kai Vöckler (eds.), »100% Stadt. Der Abschied vom Nicht-Städtischen«,  Graz: Verlag HdA Graz 2003
  • Elmar Zorn, Kai Vöckler (eds.), »Tarnung: Enttarnung. Die Kunstprojekte der Bundesgartenschau Potsdam 2001«, Potsdam: Strauss 2001
  • Eva Schmidt, Kai Vöckler (eds.), »Robert Smithson: Gesammelte Schriften«, Köln: König 2000
  • Kai Vöckler, Dirk Luckow (eds.), »Peking, Shanghai, Shenzhen. Städte des 21. Jahrhunderts / Cities of the 21st Century«, Frankfurt/Main: Campus 2000

Selection articles

  • ​​Kai Vöckler and Peter Eckart: The Offenbach Model: Human- Centered Mobility Design, in: Kai Vöckler, Peter Eckart, Martin Knöll, Martin Lanzendorf (eds.): »Mobility Design. Shaping Future Mobility«. Offenbach Publication Series on Mobility Design. Volume 2: Research. Berlin: Jovis 2023.​

  • Julian Schwarze, Kai Vöckler, Stephen Hinde, Erwan David, Melissa Le-Hoa Võ, Peter Eckart: Virtual Reality in Mobility Design: Experimental Research on the Application of VR Simulations, in: Kai Vöckler, Peter Eckart, Martin Knöll, Martin Lanzendorf (eds.): »Mobility Design. Shaping Future Mobility«. Offenbach Publication Series on Mobility Design. Volume 2: Research. Berlin: Jovis 2023

  • In-Formation. Zur produktsprachlichen Analyse von Mobilitätsprozessen, in: Thilo Schwer, Kai Vöckler (eds.): »Der Offenbacher Ansatz. Zur Theorie der Produktsprache«, Bielefeld: transcript 2021
  • Der Offenbacher Ansatz. Zur Einleitung, in: Thilo Schwer, Kai Vöckler (eds.): »Der Offenbacher Ansatz. Zur Theorie der Produktsprache«, Bielefeld: transcript 2021 (mit Thilo Schwer)
  • Informalität? Nicht in der Arrival City Offenbach am Main, in: Fabian Walmüller (ed.): »Vienna, Arrival City. Architektur und Integration«, TU Wien, Vienna: Sonderzahl 2020
  • Die kreative Stadt, anders, in: Andreas Grossmann (ed.): »Kreativität denken«, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2020
  • Kai Vöckler und Peter Eckart: Die Gestaltung neuer, vernetzter und umweltfreundlicher Mobilität. in: Heike Proff (ed.): »Neue Dimensionen der Mobilität. Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte«, Wiesbaden: Springer 2020
  • Die mobile Region, in: Anna Scheuermann, Andrea Schwappach, Paul-Martin Lied (eds.): »Archi-tekturführer Frankfurt Rhein-Main«, Berlin: DOM publishers, 2020
  • Maren Harnack und Kai Vöckler, Gespräch I, in: Michael Meier, Christoph Franz (eds.): »Der Durchschnitt als Norm«, Leipzig 2018
  • Wo man ankommt – die „Arrival City“ Offenbach am Main, in: Klaus Schäfer (ed.): »Aufbruch aus der Zwischenstadt. Urbanisierung durch Migration und Nutzungsmischung», Bielefeld 2018
  • Locate: A Translocal Perspective (with Jonas König), in: Michael Koch, Renée Tribble, Yvonne Siegmund, Amelie Rost, Yvonne Werner (eds.): »New Urban Professions – A Journey through Practice and Theory«, Perspectives in Metropolitan Research 5, Berlin 2018
  • Die erschöpfte Landschaft / The Exhausted Landscape, in: Eva Schmidt, Kai Vöckler (eds.): »Remembering Landscape. Landschaft die sich erinnert«, Kat. Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Köln 2018
  • Infrastrukturen anders angehen. Verkehrsinfrastrukturen bilden Räume, die nicht nur dem Transport dienen / A Different Approach to Infrastructures. Traffic Infrastructure Creates Space for more than just Transportation (with Annette Rudolph-Cleff and Jörg Dettmar), in: Christian Holl, Felix Nowak, Kai Vöckler, Peter Cachola Schmal (eds.), » Rhein-Main – Die Region leben. Die Neugestaltung einer Metropolregion / Living the Region – Rhine-Main. The Redesign of a Metropolitan Region«, Tübingen/Berlin: Wasmuth 2018
  • »Design your Mobility! Die zukünftige Mobilität gestalten / Shaping Future Mobility« (with Peter Eckart), in: Christian Holl, Felix Nowak, Kai Vöckler, Peter Cachola Schmal (eds.), »Rhein-Main – Die Region leben. Die Neugestaltung einer Metropolregion / Living the Region – Rhine-Main. The Redesign of a Metropolitan Region«, Tübingen/Berlin: Wasmuth, 2018
  • »Urbanität heißt Wandel. Die Welt als Stadt«, in: BuFAS e. V. (ed.): Erfolgreich sanieren – normativ oder sachverständig? Altbausanierung Bd. 12, 28. Hanseatische Sanierungstage. Berlin - Wien - Zürich 2017
  • »Wo ist heute Florida? Von der ‚Kreativen Stadt‘ zur ‚Creative Pearl‘ der Wissensregion - und nach Offenbach«, enorm magazin, Spezial Stadtentwicklung, 1/2017
  • »transform Offenbach« (mit Heiner Blum), in: Sally Below, Reiner Schmidt (eds.): Auf dem Weg zur Stadt als Campus. Berlin 2015
  • »Wo man ankommt«, in: Anny & Sybel Ötztürk, Heiner Blum (eds.): LÄNDERBOTEN. Frankfurt/M. 2015
  • »Die kommende Welt-Polis«, Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (ed.): Die Stadt von Übermorgen, Informationen zur Raumentwicklung. Heft Nr. 4/2015
  • »Ort der Gestaltung«, in: Hans Zitko (ed.): Theorien ästhetischer Praxis. Wissensformen in Kunst und Design. Köln-Weimar-Wien 2014
  • Studie Metropolregion Rhein-Main, 2012. (Klaus Ronneberger: Machbarkeitsstudie über eine Untersuchung zur sozial-räumlichen Entwicklung der Metropolregion Rhein-Main unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Offenbach; Klaus Ronneberger, Kai Vöckler, Lukas Wagner (graphic design): Metropolregion Rhein-Main: Übersicht und Thesen). Download.
  • »Schnittstelle Offenbach«, in: Marcus Frings (ed.): Neue Welten. Perspektiven aktueller Kunst (=exhibition catalogue Kunst in Offenbach am Main 2). Weimar 2012
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5 years ago

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8 years ago

»Making Heimat« exhibition at Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM)

At the Venice International Architecture Exhibition the show entitled »Making Heimat« presented Offenbach as an outstanding example of an arrival city. Realized by DAM, an expanded version of the exhibition is now on display at DAM.