Prof. Dr. Olga Moskatova

T +49 (0)69.800 59-214

Main building, room 303


Sociology and Media Theory





Bild moskatova


Olga Moskatova studied Social and Business Communication at the Berlin University of the Arts and Université Stendhal 3 Grenoble, France. After the two-year fellowship in the DFG-college "The Real in the Culture of Modernity" at the University of Konstanz, she moved to the Bauhaus University Weimar in 2012. Here she was a research associate at the International College for Cultural Technology Research and Media Philosophy (IKKM) and at the professorship for media philosophy until 2018. In 2017, she received her PhD with the thesis "Male am Zelluloid. On relational materialism in cameraless film" in Berlin. From 2018-2023, she was an assistant professor of media studies (visuality and image cultures) at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Since October 2023, she is professor of media theory at HfG Offenbach. She researches and teaches on theory and aesthetics of visual media, networked image cultures, avant-garde and media art, materiality of media/new materialism, protective media and immunization dispositifs.




Monografie male am zelluloid

Monografie mensch maschinen auge

Herausgeberschaft | Zeitschriftenausgaben

Zeitschiften messy images

Zeitschiften networked images in surveillance capitalism

Herausgeberschaft | Sammelbände

Sammelbaende video conferencing

Sammelbaende bild kanaele

Sammelbaende images on the move

Sammelbaende jeneits der repraesentation

Herausgeberschaft | Handbücher

Handbuch televisuelle serialitaet