Study counseling

Studying design and art at the HfG
Film & Music: Daniel Herzog
Study programs at the HfG
Department of Art
- Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Master of Fine Arts
- Master of Fine Arts with a larger theoretical component
Department of Design
- Bachelor of Arts
- Master of Arts
Application to the HfG Offenbach
- Application to the HfG Offenbach is possible again for the winter semester 2025/26.
Application period
All information
Overview Department of Art
Artistic teaching areas
- Sculpture
- Stage and Costume Design
- Electronic Media / AI Lab
- Experimental Spatial Concepts
- Photography
- Graphic Design and Illustration
- Communication Design
- Conceptual Drawing and Life Drawing
- Painting
- Performance in the extended context
- Typography
Theoretical teaching areas
At the school of design you can study
Design teaching areas
- Digital Design
- Industrial Design
- Information Design
- Integrative Design
- Material Design
- Urban Design
- Brand Design
- Design Curating and Criticism
- Intercultural Design
- Interaction Design
Theoretical teaching areas
Study and portfolio advice

In the study and portfolio advising, prospective students are informed and advised jointly by lecturers and students. It takes place continuously from mid-October to the beginning of July.
Art department
Wednesdays, 12 o'clock
online here or on site in the left chapel in the Isenburg Castle
In the portfolio consultation you can present your portfolio in PDF form via the screen or the original material in presence on site.
In the video conference, you can present your portfolio in PDF form via the screen or film and show material with your smartphone or webcam. It is supervised by alternating professors from the various teaching areas and two student assistants.
Design department
BA: 1 p.m. (additional dates can be arranged): Wednesdays
MA: times and days vary
Bachelor hier
Master hier
In the videoconference you can show your portfolio or individual works in a PDF file or film the screen content/the content of your portfolio with your smartphone or webcam. (Please pay attention to the quality of the camera, otherwise it is better to take photos beforehand!)
Admission procedure
Questions about the admission procedure are answered by the respective admission committees.
School of Art
Silke Willig
T 069.800 59-276
School of Design
Elvira Werner
T 069.80059-277
Subject and portfolio advising
In the subject and portfolio advising, teachers and students of the respective department advise primarily on the artistic/design level of the admission process, especially on your portfolio. The student advising teams can be reached at:
Department of Art
Department of Design
Registrar's Office
All other questions, such as application requirements for German and foreign/citizenless students and admission, are answered by the Student Secretariat.
Schlossgrabengasse 1, ground floor
T 069.800 59-201
Opening hours
Mon-Thu 10-12
Wed 13:30-15 (only during the lecture period)
Department Offices
Questions about studies and exams (for students) are answered by the department offices.
Department of Art
Christina Wittich
T +49 (0)69.800 59-123
Department of Design
Christiane Kühn-Wilkens
T 069.800 59-150
Elvira Werner
T 069.80059-277