Robert Johnson Theorie 70

Levon Vincent
Exploring the Golden Ratio and Methods of Application in Electronic Music
Phi, also referred to commonly as the Golden Ratio, is a number that has mystified and delighted human beings for thousands of years. Phi, along with a couple other key ratios, forms the basis of all of Western civilization, from the construction of its buildings, churches, cities and right on to many of its most cherished pieces of art, sculpture and music. If there ever was a "secret code" to what the human species sees as perfect form, the golden ratio would arguably be its mathematical foundation.
Levon Vincent is a producer and DJ from New York City, running his Novel Sound record label since 2008. He has resided in Berlin since 2009, the year his music and DJ career gained international status. Levon has been touring and performing globally ever since, establishing production standards and releasing countless popular house records.
Followed by Lifesaver Saturday: Oliver Hafenbauer all night long
In Kooperation mit Heiner Blum und Patrick Raddatz von der Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach präsentiert Robert Johnson Theorie in lockerer Folge prominente, fachkundige Gäste - Soundspezialisten, Musiker, Autoren, DJs - mit Vorträgen zum Thema Clubkultur, Produktion und Rezeption elektronischer Musik. Die Veranstaltungen finden jeweils zwei Stunden vor der normalen Cluböffnung statt und gehen dann fließend in die Clubnacht über. Der Eintritt ist kostenlos.
26. Oktober 2019, 22 Uhr (pünktlich)
Doors: 21:45 Uhr
Robert Johnson Offenbach
Nordring 131, Offenbach