Media in design 2D / 3D
Dipl. Des. Jörg Langhorst
Teacher for Special Tasks
T +49 (0)69.800 59-182
Isenburger Schloss, room C309

Central Computer Lab
Central Computer Lab
Isenburger Castle, roomes C-302, C-307, C-309
The central computer lab at the HfG Offenbach is used by students from both Schools Design and Art and is jointly supervised by both Schools. Here, Jörg Langhorst works together with his colleague Agnes Meyer-Wilmes. The central computer lab offers networked computer workstations with MacOS and Windows systems as well as input and output devices such as flat board scanners, cutting plotters and printers up to A0 format.
Instruction in 2D and 3D prototyping utilizes the basic design tools of image editing, layout, and modeling in two and three dimensions. Major learning objectives include recognizing and describing a design intent in order to select and apply the appropriate tools and strategies to solve a problem.
Students are guided in their work from conception, design and model building to documentation of their steps and design work. This also includes the realization that the computer is not always the ideal tool, but that in the design process a hand sketch or analogue preliminary models can sometimes lead to the goal faster than trying to design directly in the computer without prior planning.
Much of what we as designers define on the computer will later be produced by external service providers. For this, it is necessary to master the corresponding vocabulary in order to pass designs on to production without friction losses. This vocabulary includes, among other things, knowledge of different production techniques, file formats and framework conditions, such as color management in digital printing or compliance with certain production tolerances in digital model making.
In addition to the basic courses, individual supervision of student projects up to the completion of the BA/MA degree takes a high priority in the work in the computer lab. Every design work offers new challenges; sometimes a concept has to be rethought before model building and just as often a design requires an unfamiliar strategy for practical implementation. Here, students have the opportunity to make individual consultation appointments or to seek advice and support via mail and video conferencing.