Workshop Stage and Costume Design
It requires special basic knowledge and a suitable approach to understand the theater system, the essence of a theatrical space, or giving a performance after a piece of music or script. The Stage and Costume Design Workshop aims to impart the necessary basic artistic and technical skills and the requisite tools of the trade within a cooperative Chair structure.

Nina Zoller
Teacher for Special Tasks
T +49 (0)69.800 59-252
Anex stage design/Main building, room B102/B103/B2/B3
Michaela Kraft
Teacher for Special Tasks
Tools are necessary for stage and costume design in the theater profession
Model building
Depicting reality in the model, special qualities of a scale, exact simulation of an imagined or existing space and the surface that goes with it, examining the impact and possibilities of using visual elements in the space.
Theater methods
Checking figures and objects in the space. Independent movement in the (stage) space, action in the space. Experiencing the architecture and its acting area. Role of the performer and observer, storyboard, scenario, fundamentals of perspective, spatial arrangements in the theater.
Stage set up
Making stage models on a scale of 1:25, making model figures. Model building of own designs, dealing with stage parameters – recognizing the laws and properties of the theatrical space.
From the model to realization on a scale of 1:1, space and installation. Figures and/or objects in space, realization of projects conceived, construction of own designs on a scale of 1:1, material research and processing.
Theater practice
Experiencing the theater business in reality: visits to mock-up set rehearsals in theaters and simultaneously conducting mock-up set rehearsals of own stage sets in the university’s own theater laboratory. Understanding the acting / theater space.
Making costume parts, sewing techniques, pattern making, material science, textile processing and finishing techniques, presentation forms, figurine drawings, technical costume drawing, costume list, cost calculation, making own costumes based on costume designs.
Lighting design in the stage set model, fundamentals of lighting design and lighting technique, visits to lighting rehearsals, lighting plans, lighting practice, light in real space, operating model lighting systems, exploring the connection between light and space, color and space, and material and light in the model simulation and in reality in the theater laboratory.
Theater technique
Becoming familiar with and learning theater technique. Acquiring and advancing manual skills. Theater visits, experiencing the means of technically transforming a stage, visits to workshops, technical drawing, ground plans, section drawing, technical execution, details, compiling item lists and records, completing the design specifications, cost calculation.
Technical drawing CAD 2D, simulating the design as a digital 3D model.
Alternating tools
Sound design, sound direction and make-up.

Werkstatt Bühne
... in Modellen denken ...
Das Untersuchen von Räumen und Raumsituationen anhand eines Modells, das Verstehen einer räumlichen Situation als ein System aus vielfältigen Parametern, das Wesen einer räumlichen Setzung zu begreifen und zu entwickeln, es nach einem Musikwerk, einer Textvorgabe, einer Idee zu bespielen, verlangt Grundkenntnisse und ein entsprechendes Vorgehen. Die dazu nötigen künstlerisch-technischen Grundkompetenzen sowie die nötigen Bausteine zu vermitteln, ist Inhalt der Werkstatt Bühne im Rahmen einer kooperativen Lehrgebietsstruktur.
Nina Zoller
Teacher for Special Tasks
T +49 (0)69.800 59-252
Anex stage design/Main building, room B102/B103/B2/B3