DTP Design
Dipl.-Grafik-Des. Agnes Meyer-Wilmes
Teacher for Special Tasks
T +49 (0)69.800 59-262
Isenburger Schloss, room C311

Photo: © amw-design 2008
Basics of Typography and Layout
The course covers basic knowledge and skills for typography and layout in print media using analog and digital tools. In the first semester, the course covers aspects of typeface development as well as letter and typesetting parameters. The basic course focuses on readings and their typographic elaboration in, for example, daily newspapers, while the main course deals with arrangement formats and dynamics for text and images on single and double pages, grids and page dramaturgy. Each course offers both pre-set units of study and the opportunity for individual immersion, with the main semester courses placing more demands on individual engagement, exploration, and purposeful experimentation. All courses run throughout the semester; the dtp1- course is an elective for communication design students.
Practical courses
The practical courses in the teaching area focus on the handling and design of type and images. The aim of teaching in the thematically oriented courses for the bachelor's degree is the design qualification process for typography and page design in print media, which includes both the knowledge of terminology, parameters and issues as well as independent work in analog and digital techniques.
Proportion, rhythm, contrast and correspondence as central design parameters on all levels - with regard to the print object, its material, binding, scope, format, the title and page design in arrangement and sequence, the typography and illustrations as well as their ratios, dynamics and relationships as a unit and in variation - make page design for print projects a complex and multi-layered composition. Putting content "into page images" via texts and images means: filtering a statement, deliberate reduction, creating contexts, scope for interpretation and complete meanings whose message and effect unfold without words.
Basic Studies

1./2. Semester
dtp1 / Electronic Publishing I
The course teaches basic microtypografie skills using analog and digital tools. The focus is on the letterform in relation to its writing technique.
Certificate of achievement
multi-page A5 brochure as documentation of the assigned exercises; regular attendance.

Daily newspaper concept for the film "Original, Adaption, (Ver-)Fälschung" on the occasion of the 100th anniversary: of the Goethe University Frankfurt
© amw-design
Main study

5.+ Semester
dtp3 / Electronic Publishing III
This course provides in-depth knowledge and skills for typesetting and layout in multi-page print objects. The focus is on examining the parameters of corporate design in magazine design as well as the arrangement dynamics of their text-image combinations.
Intermediate diploma
Proof of achievement
Development of an independent article with text, illustration and/or photo concept, tables, infographics, etc. over three double-page spreads, regular course attendance.