
Caroline Pitzen (on maternity/parental leave in summer semester 2024)

Artistic collaborator

T 49 (0)69.800 59-237

Main building, 214


Caroline Kirberg, Annett Busch, Maria Mohr, Nicolas Bussmann, Frank Aman u.a.

PhD students

Mathias Windelberg

Cabinets of Showing
Expanded Cinema in Institutional Criticism

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Marie-Hélène Gutberlet, Prof. Dr. Marc Ries

Adrian Williams

The Horses Mouth

Unmasking the ideologies of voice

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Marie-Hélène Gutberlet, Prof. Dr. Juliane Rebentisch

Information about the doctorate

Andrea Bellu

Artistic collaborator

T +49 (0)69.800 59-308

Main building, room 15c

Matei Bellu

Artistic Assistant

T +49 (0)69.800 59-306

Main Building, Room 15c


Estate and Archive Rotraut Pape

HfG main building, 3rd floor, room 304

Contact and registration:


Department of Film:


Hfg film

Recha jungmann filmscreening 17 4 2024

The teaching area Film was newly staffed at the beginning of the winter semester 2020/2021. From now on, Prof. Dr. Marie-Hélène Gutberlet and Prof. Angelika Levi will shape the teaching in two autonomous and complementary part-time professorships.

A new "Offenbach Model" of film education is in the making, which makes courageous to question today's aesthetic, technical and socio-political challenges in filmmaking and film thinking.

The VideoLab (Claus Withopf) and the AudioLab (Bernd Zimmermann) are affiliated with the Film Department; teaching assignments and guests from Germany and abroad expand the range of courses.


Kleine form programm

small forms (kleine formen)

An obvious strategy for dealing with the Corona pandemic is to translate film into provisional, casual and mobile formats and to go out with it to experience its magic in small forms in the immediate surroundings.

Instead of grand gestures and finished works in convivial gatherings, fragments, experiments, work-in-progress can be seen: in shop windows, on house walls opposite, for passers-by as they pass by, after dark. From August 27 to September 12, 2020 in Offenbach and Frankfurt at various locations.

The "small forms" are part of the HfG Interventions #2.

Films by

fatal furies, Merlin Heidenreich, Sophia Igel, Kandis & Maus, Pei-Chin Lee, Balduin Mund, Evelyn Roh, Johanna Schuckhardt, Savvy Sun & Kaiyuan Yang

27. August–12. September 2020​, Offenbach and Frankfurt


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