New building at the harbour for HfG Offenbach

9 years ago

Press conference at HfG Offenbach. 

From left: Irene Bauerfeind-Roßmann, Ministerial Dirigentin, HMWK, Staatsminister Boris Rhein, Prof. Bernd Kracke, HfG-Präsident

Today the State of Hessen announced its ground-breaking decision on the new building in Offenbach harbour. This brings to an end the protracted decision-making process that began with Hessen’s university construction programme HEUREKA I, during the course of which it became clear that the HfG desperately needed more space. As the HEUREKA II programme begins, the new building that is so badly needed can now be realized.

“It is a trailblazing decision for the HfG and for the future of art and design in the Rhine/Main region and in the state of Hessen,” said Professor Bernd Kracke, President of the HfG, when the state announced its landmark decision. Two plots have been earmarked for the planned new university building at Offenbach harbour, the suitability of which has already been established through comprehensive assessments.

“Following the original university building, designed back in 1912 by Hugo Eberhardt, this now represents the next step to be able to guarantee the future prospects of the HfG and to consolidate its future-proof positioning in the international higher education landscape. This is a monumental decision,” emphasises HfG President Professor Bernd Kracke.

The HfG Offenbach is delighted about the decision and would like to thank the State of Hessen and particularly Minister of State Boris Rhein for showing such commitment to creativity in Hessen and thus fostering the long-term prospects for art, design and culture.
