The Höchster Porzellan Manufaktur (HPM) store offers selected unique porcelain items and series. Please contact us if you are interested.
Orders and inquiries
Steffen Taubhorn
Artistic Director, Sales and Production
+49 69/80059-328
+49 171 2698611

Bull and bear
A prominent example of 20th century porcelain art in the Höchster Porzellan Manufaktur. The model, the larger-than-life bronzes in front of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, were created by sculptor Reinhard Dachlauer. They symbolize rising (bull) and falling prices (bear).
Photo: Laura Brichta
Bull and bear

Chinese musicians
The four figures playing music were modeled around 1770 by Johann Peter Melchior. The decor - Modern Art - was interpreted in a contemporary interpretation by Steffen Taubhorn. The focus was on the lightness of the colors in contrast to the lavish robes of the 18th century figures. The pigments dissolving on the white porcelain were deliberately played with and the cheerful composition was crowned with fine 24-carat gold.
Photo: Laura Brichta
Chinese musicians

Christmas tree
The objects in these unique series are available in three sizes. Availability, including other designs, on request.
Photo: Laura Brichta
Christmas tree

The four seasons
The figures of the four seasons are based on models by Johann Peter Melchior, created around 1770-75.
Photo: Laura Brichta
The four seasons

Can Bolongaro
Photo: Laura Brichta
Can Bolongaro

Dürer rabbit
Ottmar Hörl's “Dürer Rabbit” was first formed as a porcelain sculpture in the Höchster Porzellan Manufaktur with his permission. Ottmar Hörl became known above all for his diverse sculptures on themes of everyday life.
Photo: Laura Brichta
Dürer rabbit
Goethe and Merian assortment

Merchant and farmer figures
With the exception of the theriac seller, the figures from the series of merchants and farmers were modeled by the model master Johann Peter Melchior around 1770; the theriac seller was already created around 1750/53 and was modeled by Simon Feilner.
Photo: Laura Brichta
Merchant and farmer figures

Harlequin and Columbine
Harlequin and Columbine from the series of comedian figures were modeled by Johann Gottfried Becker around 1750.
Photo: Laura Brichta
Harlequin and Columbine

Hesse assortment
Photo: Laura Brichta
Hesse assortment

Kitchen accessories
Photo: Laura Brichta
Kitchen accessories
Kurfürst service

Photo: Laura Brichta

Incense vase
The incense vase is one of the early classicist masterpieces by the master model Johann Peter Melchior, created around 1779, which represents a high point of his work in the Electorate of Mainz manufactory.
Photo: Laura Brichta
Incense vase
Bowls assortment

Struwwelpeter assortment
Photo: Laura Brichta
Struwwelpeter assortment

Turkish chapel
The Turkish Chapel, consisting of 16 different musicians, goes back to originals created around 1770/75 by Johann Peter Melchior.
Photo: Laura Brichta
Turkish chapel

Vases 2

Breakthrough bowl
Photo: Laura Brichta