Press and university communication
Press and university communication
The Press Office, which as an administrative section comes under the aegis of the President of HfG, is active in the fields of media, internal and external communication, corporate identity, marketing, publications, social media, and events. It is active in the staging of overarching projects and events in close collaboration with the Office of Knowledge Transfer and the Personal Consultant to the President.
- Press releases
- Information about the University
- Image pictures
- Addition to the press mailing list
- Procurement of discussion partners in the fields of art, design and media, including theory (incl. history of art, media, philosophy, perception)
Tel.: + 49 (0)69 80059 156
Fax: + 49 (0)69 80059 157
As a rule you can reach us Monday to Friday between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
HfG in figures
Teaching staff
28 professors
- 20 of them in the School of Art
- 8 in the School of Design
6 honorary professors
- 2 in the School of Art
- 4 in the School of Design
14 teachers for special purposes and laboratory staff
- 14 of them in the School of Art
- 3 in the School of Design
32 research assistants
- 17 of them in the School of Art
- 15 in the School of Design
40 lecturers
- 26 of them in the School of Art
- 8 in the School of Design
- 6 Interdisciplinary
68 employees in administration
Winter semester 2017-8
751 (prior year 716) students, of which:
- 528 (prior year 515) in the School of Art
- 214 (prior year 201) in the School of Design
- 403 female students (proportion of females: 54 percent)
- 348 male students
- 150 students with a foreign passport
New enrollments
120, of which:
- 107 students in the School of Art
- 33 students in the School of Design
Applications in 2017
- 333 in the School of Art
- 114 in the School of Design
Download section
The photos available to the press may be used only for reports about HfG in Offenbach. Any other use requires approval. In such cases, please contact the Press Office.

Dr. Susanne Eickemeier, Chancellor
Photo: Felicitas von Lutzau

Screenshots der Webseite
Seit 2017 werden die Diplomarbeiten in einer gesonderten Magazinreihe im Print und digital vorgestellt. Dokumentiert werden die entstandenen Diplomarbeiten aus den beiden HfG-Fachbereichen Kunst und Design. Darüber hinaus bereichern Interviews und Essays die Diplommagazine.
Redaktion und Organisation der Publikationen werden als zentrales Projekt von der Pressestelle gesteuert. Gestaltet werden die Diplommagazine alljährlich von einem wechselnden studentischen Team unter Betreuung einer gestalterischen Professur.
Die Printausgaben können in der Bibliothek unter angefragt werden. Alle Online-Ausgaben finden sich auf dem im Ausbau befindlichen Online-Magazin

HfG Offenbach Annual Reports
The Annual Report, which appears every year in July on the occasion of the “Rundgang” Open Day, documents all the activities at HfG in Offenbach during the preceding year and is to be seen as a significant medium, directed internally at students, teaching staff and employees, and externally at (potential) cooperation partners, potential students, the general public with an interest in HfG, the press, and politicians.
The Press Office manages the editorial work and the organization of the publication, as well as the relevant communication means for the “Rundgang” Open day (posters, invitations, , flyer ...) as a major project.
Every year the HfG Annual Report is designed by a different student team supervised by a professor in a creative field (since 2011 Prof. Sascha Lobe, whose field of teaching is typography). The projects conducted and degrees awarded during the past two semesters are always the focal point of the Annual Report. It also contains welcomes and farewells to new and departing colleagues. The Annual Report also features a DVD with short films, animations and documentaries by students, some of which won several international awards, and which are selected by Prof. Rotraut Pape, whose field of teaching is Film and Video.
Digitaler Jahresbericht 2017

Annual Report 2016
Design & realization: Anna Sukhova
Realization: Kathrin Baumgartner
ISBN: 978-3-945365-07-6
Available at:

Annual Report 2015 as E-Book

Annual Report 2014 as E-Book
Katja Kupfer (born 1968 in Frankfurt/Main) studied History of Art at Goethe University in Frankfurt. Among other things she has worked in publishing and design galleries. Since 2003 she has been a freelance journalist and author. Among other things her publications have appeared in Frankfurter Rundschau, Journal Frankfurt, Welt kompakt, Handelsblatt, and the Financial Times. The book she published with Christoph Schröder, »Unsere Stadt. Frankfurt in vier Spaziergängen« (Our City. Frankfurt in four Walks) appeared in 2006. She has been head of the Press Office at HfG Offenbach since 2007.
Katja Kupfer
T 069.800 59-156
F 069.800 59-157
Jens Balkenborg
(Deputy Press Officer/Digital Communications)
T 069.800 59-172
F 069.800 59-157
Jens Balkenborg (geboren 1984) studierte Germanistik und Musikwissenschaften an der Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen und schloss 2014 (Master of Arts) ab. Er schreibt als freier Journalist mit dem Schwerpunkt Film und Musik und ist Mitglied im Verband der deutschen Filmkritik (VdFk). Texte u.a. für Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, der Freitag, NZZ am Sonntag, ZEIT ONLINE, epd Film, der Standard. Seit 2015 in der Pressestelle/Digitale Kommunikation an der HfG Offenbach.
8 July 2016 until 12 July 201922nd Annual Show
until 14 July19th HfG Annual show
until 10 JulyNews
HfG Annual Report 2015
The HfG Annual Report 2015 has now been published. First and foremost, it showcases projects and diploma projects over the last two semesters and presents new lecturers. Designed by Richard Pruss with the assistance of Anne Krieger, the book also contains a DVD and a supplement.